Feeling Lucky with IntelliWebSearch

An IntelliWebSearch user wrote:
We use memoQ, and we often get URLs in segments and comments that are not working hyperlinks. I was wondering if there is a setting we could use in IntelliWebSearch, where we could select the URL and launch a search that would open the webpage in a browser, as if we had a hyperlink.
Here is the surprising simple solution:

IntelliWebSearch exploits a little used Google Search function, which has been around for a long time, called I’m Feeling Lucky
. Provided Google knows the URL exists, it opens it automatically.
And it doesn’t stop there: you are not limited to URLs. Try launching a search on any keyword(s) you like and watch what happens*.
Happy IntelliWebSearching!
*Note that it apparently only works if the first hit is considered to be a very good match. Otherwise you get the normal Google results page.