Search Settings Window
The search settings may be reached:
- from the Search Window;
- from the Program Settings Window;
- by right clicking the red “i” icon in the system tray and choosing Search settings.
Figure 2 – Search Settings Window (Archive Window prior to version
The Search Settings Window consists of three menus, two dropdown lists and a list of all the searches found organized into eight columns.
Search (ALT+W>S) calls the Search Window.
Program settings (ALT+W>E) calls the Program Settings Window.
Wizard calls the IntelliWebSearch Wizard, which guides the user step by step when adding new web search engines, on-line dictionaries and on-line encyclopaedias.
Close (ESC or ALT+W>C) closes the Search Settings Window.
Edit selected (Double click or ENTER or F2 or ALT+E>E): the user may edit the search settings associated with the highlighted item (see Edit Window).
Add new search (CTRL+N or ALT+E>A): the user may add settings for a new search engine, on-line dictionary, on-line encyclopaedia or local dictionary.
Delete selected (CTRL+X or ALT+E>D): the user may delete the highlighted item from the list.
Replace all (ALT+E>R): the user may replace all the searches in the list with the search settings contained in a file previously created using Export All or Export selected below or in an IntelliWebSearch search.ini file (any version).
Delete all (ALT+E>L): the user may delete all the searches in the list.
Export all (ALT+S>A): the user may write all the settings in the list to a file, which can be saved for back-up purposes or sent to a colleague.
Export selected (ALT+S>E): the user may write the settings for the highlighted item to a file, which can be saved for back-up purposes or sent to a colleague.
Copy to clipboard (CTRL+C or ALT+S>C): the user may copy the settings for the highlighted item to the clipboard. The contents of the clipboard can then be pasted into an email (normally CTRL+V) and sent to a colleague.
Import from file (ALT+S>I): the user may import the settings for one or more new search engines, on-line dictionaries, on-line encyclopaedias or local dictionaries from a file previously created using Export All or Export selected above or from an IntelliWebSearch search.ini file (any version).
Import from clipboard (CTRL+V or ALT+S>M): the user may copy a block of settings for a new search engine, on-line dictionary, on-line encyclopaedia or local dictionary from an email message, for instance, to the clipboard (normally CTRL+C), then use this function to add them to the list.
Dropdown boxes
Add to/Remove from… (ALT+A): the user may add the highlighted item to one of the five available groups.
Rename… (ALT+R): the user may give the five groups meaningful names (Favourites, English, German, French, etc.).
Pluri indicates whether the item is included in the PluriSearch. Simply click the box to change the state.
Label is the label which appears under the button on the Search Window. To edit the label, use Edit selected above. Clicking the word Label sorts the column contents in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order alternately. By default the column is sorted in alphabetical order.
Shortcut is the key combination used to bypass the Search Window and send the search string directly to the search engine, on-line dictionary, on-line encyclopaedia or local dictionary concerned. To edit the key combination, use Edit selected above. Clicking the word Shortcut groups the items with shortcut keys together at the bottom or at the top of the list alternately.
Group 1…5 indicates which groups an item belongs to. If the user has renamed one or more of the groups (see Rename… above), these columns will show the new names given to them. To add an item to a group or remove it, use Add to/Remove from… above. Clicking the name of a group gathers the items belonging to it together at the bottom or at the top of the list alternately.
Press F1 for context-sensitive help.