Program Settings Window


Program Settings Window - General
Figure 4a – Program Settings Window (General Settings)

Quotes by default? (ALT+Q) toggles the default setting of Quotes? on the Search Window.
Pluses by default? (ALT+P) toggles the default setting of Pluses? on the Search Window.
Keep genitive apostrophe? (ALT+G) keeps the apostrophe in the search string in the combinations ‘s + space and s’ + space even if the apostrophe is one of the characters in the Strip string (see below). It also changes curly apostrophes into straight apostrophes in the same cases. Note that this option does not work with most multi-byte languages (Japanese, Chinese, etc.).
Apply strip string by default? (ALT+Y) deletes all occurrences of the characters in the strip string (see below).
Strip numbers by default? (ALT+N) deletes all occurrences of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the search string. For example, if you select this item and highlight “Windows 2000 and XP”, the Search Window will display “Windows and XP”.
Strip tags/codes? (ALT+/) automatically removes all HTML tags (e.g. ) and all Déjà Vu embedded codes (e.g. {123}) from the search string.
Load on Windows Startup? (ALT+L) preloads IntelliWebSearch every time the computer is started up.
Default search n. (ALT+F): the user may choose the default button on the Search Window, i.e. the button which is selected simply by pressing Enter. Set to 0 to make the PluriSearch button default and 11 to make the GroupSearch button default.
On search with no text selected (ALT+X) may be used to choose how IntelliWebSearch behaves if the user does not select any text before pressing a search shortcut key. This option is currently only available in the British English. German, French, Spanish and Italian interfaces (version or better). It may be set to:

  • show empty Search Window/error message: if the search window Shortcut key (CTRL+ALT+B by default) is pressed, the Search Windowappears with an empty search string input box; if any other search shortcut key is pressed, an error message appears (Search string empty. Try again.)
  • use previous raw search string: the text selected for the last search is used again.
  • use previous edited search string: the text selected for the last search is used again as edited on the Search Window. If the string was not edited, this is equivalent to use previous raw search string.
  • select word at caret: the nearest word to the caret (text cursor) is selected.
  • select paragraph at caret: the paragraph in which the caret (text cursor) is placed is selected.
  • select customized block: a customized block of text is selected according to user defined keystrokes. The keystrokes must be input according to the conventions shown here. The default setting selects a row of text in DejaVu X.

If use previous search string (raw or edited) is chosen, the Return Shortcut Key (see above) is set to return to the application where the text was originally selected. If there was no previous search, IntelliWebSearch will behave as described above for show empty Search Window/error message regardless of how this option is set.
Shortcut Key (ALT+H) is the key combination used to open the Search Window. CTRL+ALT+B is default (B for browser).
PluriSearch Shortcut Key (ALT+E) is the key combination used to bypass the Search Window and send the search string to any number of preselected searches almost simultaneously. CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+B by default.
Return Shortcut Key (ALT+R) is the key combination used to copy any highlighted text in your browser or local dictionary and return to the original application. CTRL+ALT+C by default (C for copy).  The text may then be pasted into your application using the usual paste shortcut key (usually CTRL+V).
Strip string (ALT+T) is a string of characters which are automatically removed from the search string. For example if the Strip string is as shown in figure 4 and you highlight “Windows© (Me or XP)”, the search string in the Search Window will be “Windows Me or XP”.
Return application (ALT+Z): This is the application IntelliWebSearch returns to when the Return Shortcut is pressed. It may be set to either the first ever application IntelliWebSearch was called from or the most recent one. It can be reset manually at any time by pressing F2 on the Search Window.
Check for updates (ALT+D) is how often IntelliWebSearch automatically checks for program updates and/or new interface languages. If set toManual, choose Check for updates from the system tray menu (right click the IntelliWebSearch icon) when you wish to check for updates.
Interface language (ALT+I) is the language used for the interface.  If new languages are available after a Check for updates, they will be added to the dropdown list. To install a new language simply choose it while connected to the Internet.

Press Save and close (ALT+S) to save changes. Press Close without saving (ALT+C) to leave the Program Settings Window without saving any changes made.
Press F1 for context-sensitive help.
Program Settings Window - Advanced Options
Figure 4b – Program Settings Window (Advanced Options)

Use keyboard hook? (ALT+K): some users find shortcut keys respond better if the keyboard hook is used. Other users find they respond better without. It seems to depend on which other software tools are installed on your system. If you find the shortcut keys are responding erratically try changing this setting.
Emulate v. 3.1? (ALT+E): emulate the text copying technique used in version 3.1 and earlier. Try this option if IntelliWebSearch does not seem to copy selected text.
Clipboard timeout (ALT+U) may be set by the user (in tenths of a second). Setting a lower value (even zero) may cause the search windowShortcut key (CTRL+ALT+B by default) and PluriSearch Shortcut Key (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+B by default) to work faster. Setting a lower value may also cause the Return Shortcut Key (CTRL+ALT+C by default) to work faster, especially if no text is selected for copying back. However a low value may cause the search window Shortcut key, PluriSearch Shortcut Key and Return Shortcut Key to malfunction if you have a slow or particularly taxed system. If you want to speed up the functions described here, try tweaking it until you find the lowest value which causes no errors.
Application timeout (ALT+P): the time (in tenths of a second) IntelliWebSearch waits for a local resource (e.g. dictionary on CD-ROM) to openbefore an error or “try again” message appears.
Font size (ALT+F): the font size used for IntelliWebSearch windows and dialogue boxes.
Browser (ALT+B): the user may choose the browser IntelliWebSearch will use to open the search engines/on-line dictionaries/on-line encyclopaedias. If it is left blank, IntelliWebSearch will use your default Browser.
Settings folder (ALT+T): the path of the folder where the IntelliWebSearch search settings file (search.ini) is stored.
Cmd before returning (ALT+M): the user may set an optional keystroke which is simulated immediately before leaving the search engine, dictionary or encyclopaedia with CTRL+ALT+C. By default it is not set. It can in any case be overridden for local dictionaries. Hint: it can be used to avoid tab clutter in Firefox, Opera, and other tabbed browsers. Ctrl+F4 closes the most recent tab in Opera and Firefox. Alt+F4 can be used to close the browser entirely.
Copy Key (ALT+O) is the shortcut key combination simulated by IntelliWebSearch to copy text from your Windows applications. CTRL+C is now standard for English language programs. It can be overridden for local dictionaries.

Press Save and close (ALT+S) to save changes. Press Close without saving (ALT+C) to leave the Program Settings Window without saving any changes made.
Press F1 for context-sensitive help.