Comparison between version 3 and version 5

Form Fill Mode

Form Fill Mode is a brute-force method that can be used in the infrequent cases when the Wizard fails to extract the necessary data from the site. Basically it treats the website as if it were a form to be completed and fills it in by sending the necessary keystrokes to the browser itself. This method should only be used as a last resort when normal techniques fail since it is less reliable and more susceptible to the whims of other software installed on the system (especially your browser). When a Form Fill Mode search is launched, a message appears asking you to wait until the webpage has loaded completely so that IntelliWebSearch can begin completing the form.

^Feature Comparison Chart^

Document Object Model Mode

IntelliWebSearch can only implement this website access mode through MS Internet Explorer. DOM Mode can only be set up using the Wizard, and the Wizard only attempts to configure DOM Mode settings if all else fails. Its major potential drawback is that resources set up in this way open in MS Internet Explorer, regardless of your chosen browser. Obviously this is not a drawback at all if your chosen browser happens to be MS Internet Explorer. Its main advantage over Form Fill Mode is that you do not get a message asking you to wait until the webpage has loaded completely since IntelliWebSearch is able to determine this on its own. It is also theoretically more reliable than Form Fill Mode. With DOM Mode, it should be less often necessary to resort to Form Fill Mode.

^Feature Comparison Chart^

Search in local resources

It might seem paradoxical, but it is much easier to access an on-line dictionary than a local one. All websites have a common front door key: the URL. Whereas every local dictionary is designed completely differently. Realistically IntelliWebSearch is never going to get into all local dictionaries, but it should be able to get into most with a bit of fiddling about. In other words, local dictionary access should be considered a bonus feature and not a primary function.
The technique in the case of local dictionaries is similar to Form Fill Mode above.

How to set up a local dictionary

^Feature Comparison Chart^

Import/export search configurations

There is a variety of ways in which you can share settings with colleagues, make backup copies or move settings from one computer to another. For further details, refer to the description of the Share menu on the Search Window.

^Feature Comparison Chart^

New User’s Starter Pack

Version 3 comes with a New User’s Starter Pack of settings for over 80 search engines, dictionaries and encyclopaedias in various languages. Hopefully there is something useful for everyone. When you install version 5, on the other hand, it will ask you if you want to convert your old settings or download a New User’s Starter Pack, which will be different according to the source and target languages you choose. So it will only include settings that might be useful to you.

How to download a New User’s Starter Pack during installation

^Feature Comparison Chart^